When choosing a career, most people don’t consider the other parts of their life and the effect the combination may have on their wellbeing, which then impacts on their performance.
How many executives and professionals, conflicted by time, focus and energy, are ignoring signs that would be useful for them to notice? Having devoted themselves to building their career, an executive’s life is usually well ordered – until the sudden realisation that something’s either going wrong or slipping from their grasp!
Wellbeing Coaching is about being aware of how things are really going and shaping your life to suit what’s important to you.
The skills needed to head a department, run an enterprise or be a professional may not run as far as making the best decisions for your own wellbeing. Executives, too, may be in a destructive relationship, have financial stress or unprocessed grief and have no idea that these factors will be contributing to their physical pain.
Working with eight elements you’ll be coached on how each area plays a vital role in your health and wellness. Balancing these areas increases overall wellbeing enabling you to perform to your maximum.
We take a wheel and divide it into eight segments of your choice. (Perhaps something like the example below.)
You give each area a score for how satisfied you are with that area. The smoother your wheel, the smoother your life. Each area has the potential to affect you Mentally, Emotionally and Physically and significantly impact your role.
You choose the area that you’d like to work on first, and that’s what we do. All the time, we’ll be focusing on solutions which can range from releasing trauma and past emotions, to creating new strategies and building your future the way you want it to be.
You can expect complete confidentiality as you select and drill down on the areas that are impacting you the most and you will discover new ways of getting the support you need. This will give you the freedom to concentrate on what you do best. You’ll also avoid the pitfalls of letting things run and run, hoping they’ll go away.
Your body has a profound way of letting you know when something’s amiss and it will look for the best way to get your attention: mood swings, fatigue, addiction or even a medical condition.
You’ll be able to side-step this by being aware of the messages and taking meaningful action to ameliorate the situation. What you used to see as complicated, insurmountable problems will be transformed.
Packages are available from three months to a year. The actual duration will depend on how much there is to do.
I will guide you to get fastest relief with maximum impact by concentrating on the unseen areas that draw the most energy. From there you will be able to simplify the process of life, gaining peace of mind and a contented, more fulfilled future.
You may also be interested to read my blog “The Secret to Wellbeing for Business Leaders” here.
To your success, health and wellbeing
Caroline D’ay
Trauma-Informed Wellbeing Coach
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