It’s been a year almost to the day now since the Prime Minister announced that we had to ‘lockdown’ to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this dreadful Coronavirus. And what a roller-coaster of a year it has been since!
Whilst I sincerely hope that you have managed to find some small joys from not leaving the house as much (second cup of tea in bed in the morning?), we are all very aware that the situation has taken its toll on us all. To see the restrictions start to lift has almost become a double-edged sword: we can’t wait to see our friends and family again but we’re also worried about how it’s going to happen safely. If you were an anxious person to start with, I am sure the idea of ‘getting back to normal’ holds some dread; even for previously confident people, the restrictions have shaken our self-belief.
Wanting to do something to help people through this, I am very pleased to have been working with Jan Brooke, a highly experienced therapist and Mindfulness Practitioner, to put together a plan. Our plan comes in the form of four FREE 50-minute webinars to give you the tools you need get back in control of your emotions and your mental wellbeing. We will boost your resilience and give you the courage and confidence to ‘build back better’ (as the saying has become!).
Each session builds on the previous one, with content designed to help you feel better each day. In each webinar, my focus will be on advice and techniques that will help you to take back emotional control, grow in confidence, increase your resilience and heal from the trauma this last year may have created. Jan will then guide you through a variety of tried and tested relaxation techniques, and look at the difference between Mindfulness and meditation to help you find a method that works best for you.
There will also be opportunities for you to ask questions before and during each session.
The free sessions start from 31st March – and don’t forget to book into each of the four webinars over the separate dates. Further details and online booking via Eventbrite here
Read more about Jan’s practice, Holistic Hideaway, click here.
Go ahead and book your free 15-minute consultation by clicking the button below
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